CSR at Fortis Healthcare
Over the years, Fortis Healthcare Ltd. and its subsidiaries through its hospitals and Foundation across India, is committed towards providing healthcare for the socially marginalized and deprived sections of the society. We not only make sure that our programs are efficient, but also ensure that they are sustainable and relevant to those meant to benefit from them.
Our Social Footprint
Surgeries For Underprivileged Children Suffering from Congenital Heart DefectOver 120,000
Treated In The Charitable Dispensary AnnuallyOver 169,700
Benefitted Through Health CampsMore than 15,000
Health And Hygiene Awareness Books Contributed to NGO Partners For Children1,100
Govt. School Students Trained in First Aid and Basic Life Support
Our Key Programs
Support to ICMR (The Indian Council of Medical Research)
Support to ICMR (The Indian Council of Medical Research) fund for research and development projects in the field of science, technology, engineering and medicine. The fund to ICMR is duly approved CSR fund as per Schedule VII of Section 135 of the Companies Act. The ICMR has always attempted to address itself to the growing demands of scientific advances in biomedical research on the one hand, and to the need of finding practical solutions to the health problems of the country, on the other.
Contribution to ‘Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund” (PMNRF)
Contribution to ‘Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund” (PMNRF) to provide immediate relief to families of those killed in natural calamities like floods, cyclones and earthquakes, etc. and to the victims of the major accidents and riots. Assistance from PMNRF is also rendered, to partially defray the expenses for medical treatment like heart surgeries, kidney transplantation, cancer treatment and acid attack etc. Disbursements are made with the approval of the Prime Minister. Our contribution will support the victims individually or collectively who have suffered harm, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering and economic loss.
The Nikshay project,supported by Fortisand Agilus, was implemented by MAMTA - Health Institute for Mother and Child.
This project focused on meeting the nutritional needs of recovering Tuberculosis (TB) patients across Maharashtra, Haryana, and Punjab. The project aligned with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare's (MoHFW) National StrategicPlan to achieve End TB targetsby 2025.
kits distributed.
patients supported
districts across 3 states
By providing essential nutrition kits,the project supported the recovery process and contributed to the overall well-being of individuals diagnosed with Tuberculosis.
The Anaemia eradication project, supported by Fortis, was implemented by the American Indian Foundation.
The project aimed to design and implement a comprehensive Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) strategy to address Anaemia among at-risk groups in the Nuh district of Haryana.
The long-term objectives of the project are to increase awareness, emphasize the importance of preventive action, address nutritional needs and beliefs, and provide training to frontline workers in the communities. These activities are intended to significantly reduce the prevalence of Anaemia and enhance the health-seeking behavior of the community in the long term.
The Patient Safety Education Program, supported by Fortis and implemented by NATHealth - Healthcare Federation of India, focused on enhancing public awareness.
NATHealth launched a dedicated microsite, “Choose Safer Healthcare” as a pivotal component of a widespread patient education campaign.
This microsite disseminated crucial information, aiming to raise awareness and enhance knowledge among the general public regarding safety measures when accessing healthcare services. It also highlighted the correlation between patient safety and individual responsibility, advocating for adherence to guidelines and the adoption of safety precautions in healthcare practices
people have pledged to choose safer healthcare through the websit
Under the ambulance donation project, Agilus collaborated with the Directorate of Health Services, Government of Kerala, to strengthen emergency healthcare delivery in the state. The aim was to improve the quality and delivery time of emergency services and to enhance the capacity for critical care response.
This was achieved through the provision of one Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) ambulance and two Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) ambulances in Thiruvananthapuram.
BCLS ambulances provided
ACLS ambulance provided
These ambulances were equipped with the necessary life- saving equipment to handle a wide range of emergencies and provided life-supporting treatment while transporting patients to healthcare facilities.