Don’t shy sharing your Urinal problems: Dr Manbir Singh
Don’t shy sharing your Urinal problems: Dr Manbir Singh
Amritsar, December, 2024: Bladder control issues can be embarrassing and cause people to avoid their normal activities. Urinary incontinence (UI) or urine leak leads to reduced quality of life, social isolation and restrictive lifestyle. It hampers elderly people’s freedom to move and makes it embarrassing in front of friends and relatives.
According to Dr Manbir Singh, Consultant- Urologist, Andrologist & Renal Transplant Surgeon, Fortis Escorts Amritsar UI is not a disease. It’s a symptom of many different conditions. Temporary or shortterm causes can include urinary tract infections, pregnancy, long-term medications and constipation. Long term causes can include stroke, diabetes, menopause or enlarged prostate (in men). Hence, it’s important to identify the real cause before treatment.
Today, there are more treatments and ways to manage UI than ever before. A combination of treatments may help you get better control of your bladder. Medications along with behavioral and lifestyle changes can help too. With techniques such as pelvic muscle exercises, urgency suppression and timed voiding, you can achieve a life without bladder issues.
Losing weight, quitting smoking and drinking and limiting drinks before bedtime also can help with some bladder problems. Speak to your urologist about it. Bladder problems don’t have to be embarrassing, life altering issues. If you are experiencing any of the problems mentioned in this article or have questions about your bladder health, please confer with your doctor.