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Press Release

Keeping Your Gut Healthy to Prevent Constipation 

Fortis Hospital, Mohali Dec 21, 2024

 Constipation Awareness Month 

Keeping Your Gut Healthy to Prevent Constipation 

Mohali, December 21, 2024: Constipation, a common gastrointestinal condition characterized by infrequent bowel movements (fewer than three per week), difficulty passing stools, or passing hard and lumpy stools, affects people of all ages.  The condition tends to worsen in winter due to reduced fluid intake, limited physical activity, and dietary changes. 

Dr. Arvind Sahni, Director of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Fortis Hospital Mohali, has shared some practical tips for managing and preventing constipation, along with advice on when to seek medical attention to create awareness regarding Constipation Awareness Month, which is being recognized annually by the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD).   

Prevention Tips for Constipation 

Dr. Sahni emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy gut through the following steps: 

  1. Hydration: Drink over 2 litres of fluids daily. 
  2. Regular Exercise: Engage in physical activity to promote bowel movements. 
  3. Fibre Intake: Adults should consume approximately 30 grams of dietary fiber daily from natural sources like: 
  • Fruits: Avocado, pear, passion fruit, unpeeled apples, raspberry, prunes, pomegranate 
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, corn, green peas, pumpkin, sweet potato, turnip 
  • Other foods: Oats, flaxseed, chia seeds, bran, unpeeled potatoes, lentils, and soybeans 

Dr. Sahni advises meeting fiber requirements through a healthy diet rather than supplements. 

Underlying Causes of Constipation 

Constipation may signal underlying medical conditions, such as: 

  • Hypothyroidism 
  • Diabetes 
  • Colon cancer 
  • Parkinson’s disease 
  • Side effects of certain medications (e.g., iron supplements, painkillers, or antacids) 

Basic diagnostic tests, including hemoglobin count, thyroid function tests, and stool analysis, may be required. Additional procedures like sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy are recommended to rule out bowel obstructions or cancer. 

When to Consult a doctor? 

Seek immediate medical attention if constipation is accompanied by: 

  • Blood in stools 
  • Significant weight loss 
  • Severe abdominal pain 
  • Vomiting 
  • Loss of appetite or abdominal distension 

Treatment Options 

For temporary relief, laxatives can be helpful, but they should be used cautiously and only for short periods. Options include: 

  • Bulk-forming laxatives: Psyllium husk 
  • Osmotic laxatives: Lactulose, polyethylene glycol 
  • Stimulant laxatives: Picosulfate 
  • Stool softeners: Docusate 
  • Lubricants: Paraffin 

For chronic cases where obstruction has been ruled out, newer medications like lubiprostone, prucalopride, plecanatide, linaclotide, and elobixibat are safe and effective options. 

Take-Home Messages 

Dr. Sahni highlights these key points to maintain a healthy gut and prevent constipation: 

  1. Stay hydrated by drinking sufficient fluids. 
  2. Exercise regularly to maintain bowel health. 
  3. Consume at least 30 grams of dietary fibre daily (e.g., one avocado and one pear cover 50% of this requirement). 
  4. Identify and address underlying medical causes of constipation. 
  5. Use laxatives sparingly and for short-term relief. 
  6. For chronic constipation, newer medications are effective under medical guidance. 
  7. Rule out serious conditions, such as colon cancer, before initiating treatment. 

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