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Press Release
- A 33-year-old lady with high BMI and multiple comorbidities successfully underwent a life-changing surgery at Fortis Hospital, NagarbhaviFortis Nagarbhavi Bangalore
- Blood Donation Day 2022
- Irregular period is not the only sign of Ovarian cancer – beware of 10 other symptoms
- 54-year-old man with rare bleeding disorder and coronary artery disease successfully underwent a lifesaving surgery at Fortis Hospital, BannFortis Hospital BG Road Bangalore
- World Brain Tumour DayFortis Hospital, Mohali
- World Brain Tumour DayFortis Escorts Hospital, Jaipur
- National Cancer Survivor DayFortis Escorts Hospital, Jaipur
- Dr. Chinna Press NoteFortis Hospital, Ludhiana
- Cancer Survivors DayFortis Hospital, Mohali
- World No Tobacco DayFortis Hospital, Mohali